Reflections on the Final Weeks of Pregnancy and 5 Scripture Verses to Help

As I sit here, waiting for my fourth live baby to be born, I think it’s relevant to share my thoughts about this final waiting period. For me, some pregnancies have been harder than others. But with every pregnancy, God reveals a lesson I need to learn. And for this season, it was to fully put my trust in him. 

There are many seasons where we wait. Wait in line, wait for your turn, and wait for your number to be called at the DMV. But very few seasons of waiting can compare to the wait at the end of pregnancy. 

How often in one's life can you say you waited on something that was entirely out of your control? Sure, waiting for the next Amazon package to arrive is out of your control but, we can now get same-day shipping and have what we want at the click of a button.

Not quite so with our sweet babies. 

Pregnancy is the most interesting phenomenon. We come together with our husband, through love and intimacy given to us by our Good God, and if God wills, our union is blessed with new life. 

The first step involves our choice. We consent to make love with our spouse, but once the baby is conceived we are no longer in control. God created our bodies to take over and from the moment of conception, we have no say whether the chromosomes of our baby will make blue or brown eyes, whether they’ll be born with a full head of hair, or what diseases they may be susceptible to.

We are the chosen vessel for a new life but when it comes down to it the only thing we can control, is how we conduct ourselves. It’s the first true lesson of motherhood, right? You can only control your actions and pray that the Lord will orchestrate everything else perfectly. 

What a task. To put your soul's trust in the Lord and release all your fears and anxieties to him. It can feel near impossible some days. And it’s even harder at the end of pregnancy when all you want is to meet your precious babe and finally find some bodily autonomy again. 

But what can this time of waiting teach us? How can we allow ourselves to see God’s work and set aside our own desires while allowing Him to mold and form us into a better version of ourselves? To sanctify us and help us draw near to him?

The end of pregnancy is a gift, just like all of pregnancy, and is filled with abundant lessons if we allow ourselves to see them. 

Throughout scripture we see that many couples were made to wait on the Lord and his divine timing to conceive a child, Abraham and Sarah, Zachariah and Elizabeth, and Joachim and Anna. They all waited till they were beyond “normal childbearing years” to be blessed with a child. 

How earnestly did they have to place their trust in God to be blessed? 

So how can you trust in the Lord at this time of waiting? Whether you’re 35 weeks pregnant and thinking “How on earth can I wait another 5 weeks?!” or you’ve passed your “guess date” and every moment is filled with questioning. How can you use this time to draw closer to God?

Certainly, we have the technology to induce labor, and sometimes it's medically warranted, but more often than not, induction comes because of a lack of trust and patience. 

Why would God design our bodies perfectly to grow a brand new human being but then just leave us to figure out how to get the baby out of our body? It’s an absurd thought! Of course, the Lord will not abandon us. But we have to trust Him that he will deliver our babies into our arms at the perfect time. 

Scripture to Ponder While You Wait for Your Baby

Scripture is our spiritual nourishment as Christians. Applicable to all seasons of life, Holy Scripture is medicine for the soul and if we allow our hearts and minds to soften, we can be fed exactly what we need. 

So, here are a handful of verses to ponder while waiting. Write them down, put them up where you’ll see them throughout your day, and find comfort in the love and mercy of Christ our God. 

1. Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

This psalm ran through my head nonstop and oddly it was to a jingle from a children’s song my older kids love to listen to. Nevertheless, it did help me! He will make my path straight if I simply trust in Him. It takes so much effort to trust the Lord when the world tells us to trust the doctor, trust the midwife (neither of which are wrong but they are not the Divine authority), trust yourself, etc. 

Trusting our Creator, who made us perfectly to grow and give birth, makes the most sense. Why would we not put all of our trust in Him? 

2. Psalm 36:7 (37:7)

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!”

This verse is great for when we start to compare ourselves to other mothers around us. “She already has her baby, 2 weeks early!” or “Her labor was less than 5 hours… I need that.” Of course, I’m not saying that other moms are using evil devices! Simply, comparing your situation to another’s is not waiting on the Lord. 

3. Lamentations 3:25

“The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.”

It’s simple and clear as day so why is it so hard? Because we’re selfish and want our will to be done. God did give us free will, but with that free will he yearns for our love and trust. If we can freely hand that over to him, he can give us everything we need. 

4. Isaiah 64:4

“From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides You, Who acts for those who wait for Him.”

What a phenomenal reminder of who our loving God is. He simply waits on us to wait on Him and then he acts. He, the God who came as a humble babe, nursed the breast of His holy Mother, and humbly ascended the Cross for our sakes, asks so much less of us. 

He is the God who will act when we have the humility to surrender. He is the only God who can grant us our heart's desire if we first desire Him. There is no other path to our needs being met than through humility unto the Lord.

5. Psalm 40:1

“I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry.”

Again, another illustration of the mercy of God. King David wept before the Lord in his distress. The Lord heard him. Why would we not cry out to the Lord in our distress? Give your fears and anxieties to Him because He wants to take them from you! 

No thought or worry is too small for Him to take away. “Lord, I’m scared of an induction, please guide me.” “I’m worried about going to 42 weeks, I’m so uncomfortable, help to stay present in your mercy.” “My baby isn’t growing right, please guide my footsteps to make the best decision for the both of us.” 

He hears you. Nothing is too big or too small for his mercy. 

Final Thoughts

With my third birth, I was beyond ready to be done with the pregnancy. Although it had been a lovely pregnancy, the final weeks were heavy with deep emotions that I struggled to navigate. Since my second daughter came past 41 weeks I suspected this baby would too but that didn’t make the wait easier. 

I wanted him now. I had so many different “ideal scenarios” for his birthday and as we passed each one I became increasingly discouraged. My husband was going through a very hard season in the parish, and I wanted him to have a break. I didn’t want my mom to be at the birth – her flight was scheduled for the day I was 42 weeks 1 day, I’d certainly have a baby well before then, right?! 

Wrong. My sweet baby boy made me wait. And you know what? It worked out perfectly. My mom did arrive while I was in labor. But we had two wonderful young women to help with my older girls and pick my mom up from the airport. And then she walked in 10 minutes after my son was born with hamburgers and milkshakes. 

The following week, she took care of everything around the house so that we could bond and rest. It was perfectly orchestrated. Was it easy to wait? No. Was it worth the wait? 100% yes. 

The Lord's timing is always, always perfect. We just need to get out of our heads and let go of our plan to let Him work. Let this time transform you. Take the lessons and molding and let it shape you into the Christian and mother you are meant to be. 

“Remember, waiting isn’t just about what you are hoping for at the end of the wait, but also about what you will become as you wait.” 

Would you add anything? Leave a comment below on how you’ve waited on the Lord. Did it change you? 


Medical Induction of Labor 101 


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