Orthodox Christian Blogger on a mission…

My why behind the writing

Hi! What an honor it is to have you here.

My name is Khouria Cathryn, author and owner of The Sanctified Womb.

It’s amazing to look back and see how all of my life has lead me here. Starting a blog was never on my “to do list” but I pray you reap the fruit of my obsession. 

My journey looks like this:

  • Early life- obsessed with babies and caring for others

  • College years- went to nursing school expecting to go into pediatric oncology, went as far as to say I’d never land in women’s health during my rotation, and then fell head over heels in love with mothers and babies during my maternity rotation.

  • Married in 2014

  • Graduated in 2016

  • Worked as a floor nurse on a telemetry unit

  • Husband started seminary at St. Tikhon’s Theological Seminary

  • Worked on labor and delivery (also worked on L&D through nursing school)

  • 2 miscarriages 

  • 1st baby (girl) born via c/s in 2018

  • Left the hospital to raise my babies

  • 2nd baby (girl) was born at home as a successful Home Birth After Cesarean (HBAC) 2019

  • Husband graduated seminary amidst the chaos of 2020, moved to parish assignment

  • 3rd baby (boy) born at home 2021

  • Started freelance writing online in 2022

  • After encouragement from many people in my life, the idea for starting The Sanctified Womb, was born

  • 4th baby (girl) born at home 2024 

The Sanctified Womb is the resource guide I wish I had when I first started diving into understanding my fertility journey. You deserve resources that are rooted in Christ and evidence-based research (when available).

Fertility, birth, and motherhood are mysteries. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to any of it. Ideally, we’d be sitting together face-to-face discussing these topics, but most of us are not blessed with a vibrant community of support. So this blog is available to help guide and support you, even if it’s only on your web browser.

Please read my disclaimer here… 

I am fully aware that there is a lot that is not covered by the Church, scripture, or taught by the Holy Fathers. 

I know that so much of women’s health is still a taboo topic where some priests won’t go. 

I know that some people think there are black-and-white answers to some of the topics I cover and others say it’s all gray. 

Ultimately, I am not your spiritual father or your medical provider. So please, take all of this information with prayer and humility. I am open to discussion, I will share every resource I use, and I promise to always be transparent. 

Fertility and birth choices are highly individual and require prayer, research, and trust. 

So please, consider this blog, my opinion, and research as just one tool in your toolbox as you navigate this season of life.